It?s easy to understand why many of our customers have bought and our buying properties in and around the area of Averton in Mayenne, 100 miles from the ferry port of Caen. This page offers properties between 0 and 30 miles from Averton, or you can see our different sections/regions of property in Normandy, Mayenne and Nord-Pas-De-Calais by clicking on the panel at the bottom of the page.
This page offers properties in the area of Averton (between 0 and 30 miles) or you can see our different sections of property in Normandy and Nord-Pas-De-Calais by clicking on the panel at the bottom of the page.
All the £ price of our French property on our website is calculated with an exchange rate of 1 pound = 1.206 Euros. If you have difficulty in location any of the area name, please use the following link : (do not forget to write the name of the area and France => example : Burcy France)
E-mail: Tel(UK): 02392 297411 Mobile(UK)/WHATSAPP : 07951 542875. Please read our disclaimer carefully. If you want to print a property, click on the picture and then print from that page. To view more properties select the page number below.
To view more properties select the page number below.