We offer properties in Deux Sevres, in the area of Ceirzay, Bressuire, Mauleon, Thouars and Parthenay. Bressuire a lovely town in the north of Deux Sevres,has 2 buildings of interest : the CHURCH of Notre-Dame, which, dating chiefly from the 12th and 15th centuries, has an imposing tower of the Renaissance period; and the CASTLE, built by the lords of Beaumont, vassals of the viscount of Thouars.
This page offers properties in the area of CLAZAY (between 0 and 30 miles) or you can see our different sections of property in Poitou Charentes - Loire Valley - Vendee by clicking on the panel at the bottom of the page.
All the £ price of our French property on our website is calculated with an exchange rate of 1 pound = 1.17 Euros. If you have difficulty in location any of the area name, please use the following link : www.maps.google.com (do not forget to write the name of the area and France => example : Burcy France)
E-mail: jeanbernard@jbfrenchhouses.co.uk. Tel(UK): 02392 297411 Mobile(UK): 07951 542875. Please read our disclaimer carefully. If you want to print a property, click on the picture and then print from that page. To view more properties select the page number below.